Ian Barniskis on LinkedIn: #bungie #layoffs #destiny2 (2024)

Ian Barniskis

Former Software Test Engineer II at Experis | Agile Testing, Executive Leadership

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My heart goes out to those at Bungie who lost their jobs today. Please, take a second to allow for a little bit of time to process this (even if you don't feel like you do, trust me, it will be something you'll be glad to have done later on).Then, understand it was not about who you are as a person. Know that the game you were apart of is -- in my opinion -- one of the most incredible and compelling games of this age. Wear that project with pride on your resume.#Bungie #Layoffs #Destiny2


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  • Alixander Laffredo-Dietrich, ex-CSPO

    Product Manager @ Keeping Current Matters | AI, Product Launches, Human Centered Design | former IBM

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    Dear professionals in the video game industry who’ve been affected by layoffs,Don’t ever think you’re not of value.Growing up, I wasn’t interested in much except for games and playing music.One series I loved (which this song is from) is called Dynasty Warriors. It was a series based off “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, which was a historical novel about the fall of the Han Dynasty in China.It got me intrigued about history that wasn’t taught in my school and it got me to spend time on an instrument.I decided to make a cover of the song “Straight Ahead” for fun. I hesitated to share it on LinkedIn because how professional can a guy playing guitar for a video game in his pajamas be?But then I thought about what the professional world seems to have forgotten.Professionals are people. And when their lives are uprooted by layoffs there’s more that person loses than their job.They sacrifice their hobbies, their outings with friends, their food, and their homes.Pajamas are no longer symbol of rest. Many can’t wait to put on a suit and tie once again.So, to the folks in the game industry and beyond that are still dealing with layoffs, know you are of value, your art is appreciated and worthwhile in this world, and so many people like me are inspired and rooting for your success.Don’t quit. Forge on, Straight Ahead!#layoffs #gameindustry #music



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  • Buffy Rice

    Producer II, Perfect Dark

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    The game industry is unique in how wildly passionate the people who work in it are about what they do. Every day, so many of us come to work bringing not just our skills and interest, but our hearts and souls. We lay them bare to bring joy to the fans we serve.And yet this industry still insists on using one of the most archaic, compassionless methods of culling its workforce. Many of my wonderful coworkers came to work today ready to put their all into what they do, only to be told that effective immediately, they don't get to do that anymore. I'm angry on behalf of them. Bewildered on behalf of all of us who keep having to see this happen.I recently did a talk on LinkedIn discussing my philosophy on Game Production, and the thing I kept coming back to was 'the human element'. The importance of treating your people like people. I preach about it every chance I get, but then I turn around and I'm hit with the business side of the company I work for seeing us as just faceless numbers on a page. And it's infuriating. To those who have been affected by layoffs in the numerous companies that have done this recently, please let me know what I can do to support you. Adding hashtags feels weirdly inappropriate, but I want to cast a wide net so I can help as many folks as I can. #gameindustry #gamejobs #layoffs #blizzard #supporteachother #abk #microsoft #xboxstudios



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  • Tomas Ramoska

    I help Indie, Mobile & AAA Game Development Studios & companies in tech source, attract and retain Talent @ Techtak

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    I'm an optimist. It helps me get through things in life. I usually think that whatever happens to me - whether that's good or bad happens for a reason. It doesn't mean that I don't always strive to be the best version of myself - far from that, but sometimes whatever you do or however hard you try things just tend to not go your way, and that's ok. January was a sh*tty month for the games industry as a whole, with so many people losing their jobs, their security, and it's a tough situation to be in. All I can say is that good things are coming your way if continue to look for them. You're all smart, you're all capable, and there are so many people around you who are willing to offer a helping hand. It's amazing how the whole industry has come together in the past few months, and it's also great to see so many new projects, studios popping out. Just wanted to wish everyone who is in a tough spot now strength, and willingness to try, and if anyone wants to simply talk or get advice on your interviewing skills, CVs, etc - always feel free to message me. Peace! Oh, and that's a photo of my cat - she's definitely an optimist :))#gamesindustry #gamedevelopment #mentalhealth #videogames #layoffs #gamedev

    • Ian Barniskis on LinkedIn: #bungie #layoffs #destiny2 (14)


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  • Tara Coote

    Senior Recruiter | 🎯 For Top Tech & AAA Game Studios | Contract/Freelance/Perm Roles | building teams quickly and efficiently 🌟 Championing Diversity in Games and Tech | WIG Ambassador

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    How dare you..I’ve heard… Candidates that have been let go shouldn’t thank their last companies that let them go.People shouldnt complain/discuss on here about how their jobs being lost has affected their entire lives.How there are wars going on, and how game developers don’t go to war and there are other people suffering much worse..And actually many more.How dare you...These peoples lives have been turned upside down. Everyone is fighting their own war in this very difficult world that we exist in. How dare you say that people shouldn’t ask for help on here, or let off some steam or explain how they are feeling so others can relate and help each other.It seems the majority are coming from the ‘boomber’ brigade peaking through the curtain, trying to get people to push down there feelings and brush under the carpet…The ‘shut up and get on with it ‘ era of human beings that think that sharing how you feel and asking for help is a bad thing and a weakness. Please keep sharing your stories and let everyone help you. These people are simply trolls/psychopaths with low empathy who need to get a grip of themselves as I’m sure the kalma bus is coming for them soon.I live by if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything!😘#layoffs #gamelayoffs #gamejobs


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  • Zach Bingaman

    Digital Creative Producer | Design, Content Production, and Management | x Blizzard x Nike x Columbia Sportswear

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    If you where effected by the Bungie layoffs and need to talk my DM's are open. I've been on the market for a year. It's rough, but not impossible. Start with these quick notes:1. Take a few days to grieve.2. Get your Resume, Cover Letter, Portfolio, and LinkedIn updated. 3. Look to get them professionally reviewed. Find someone who isn't on Bungie's payroll and will give it you straight (like Richard King).4. Check into job search aids like the resources from Amir Satvat 🔜 Gamescom.5. Make yourself office hours. You can't do this 24/7.6. Find a support group who doesn't live with you. 7. Learn to network, and try to post on LinkedIn at least once a week with no more then 3 hashtags.#Bungie #Gamejobs #Layoff



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  • Tania Chakraborty

    Technical Community Manager @TBD @Block | Award-Winning Tech & Strategist, Community & Content

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    You need to hear this. You’re incredible.We are all absolutely incredible candidates.You’ve probably gotten to multiple final rounds, and the reason you weren’t selected was simply because they went someone else.They didn’t have feedback to give because you’re damn good.After all, out of thousands of candidates? You were one of the final 3.Over and over, this happening is discouraging.But do you know what this means?You are so so incredible, and the only reason you haven’t been selected yet is chance.The game industry is unforgiving right now.There’s bias, systems that don’t work and more, but you WILL be the final pick.For all the expertise, passion, cultural zeitgeist and growth you bring.If the games industry is a library, you are the stories needed for our games to connect with players.You haven’t done anything wrong, it’s just one hell of a difficult chapter.I’m here with you, all of us are here with you, you not alone.I am here to help, and will continue to reach out for help too.- With love, your local goth cartoon.#gamesindustry #layoffs #community



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  • Mike Reifers

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    And just like that – GAME ON! Recruiting turns Sweet 16 today!I don't post often to social media, but I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has helped GAME ON! Recruiting! and me personally make it this far.When I started this business in my garage, using the PC Oddworld Inhabitants was kind enough to give me after they relocated, I didn’t know if it would last 16 weeks.In fact, it was a grind for almost 6 months before I made my first placement (who is still employed at the same company to this day!)16 years, thousands of candidates and hundreds of clients later there is nothing I’d rather be doing and no team I’d rather be working with. Words can’t express my gratitude to our clients, candidates and phenomenal team who have allowed me to be part of their professional and sometimes personal journey. THANK YOU! and I hope I’m around to do it for another 16 years. A final note of encouragement to anyone who has been impacted by the ongoing layoffs. I’ve been there twice myself and I know it can be scary.Change is hard, but there are brighter days ahead and you’ll be OK.The industry is still strong, and the game dev community is even stronger. Keep networking, believe in yourself and your next opportunity may be only one conversation away.Our team at GAME ON! Recruiting is always available if you need advice, encouragement or help finding your next role.To the next 16 years and beyond, GAME ON!Mike#videogameindustry #gamedevelopment #gameindustry #gamedevjobs #recruitment



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  • Tim Westerhausen

    I'm all about Strategy and Branding helping people and brands stand out by bringing out their uniqueness.

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    For everyone struggling to get a job in the gaming industry right now:You are not a failure.You are not one experience.You are not one thing.You are a plathera of skills and your identity is made up of more than just what you just went through or what you put on your cv. Recognise that you are a well of knowledge and experiences, that reaches deep into your soul.Recognise that what you have to go through is not what defines your value as a person. Be aware of negative self-talk. Fight the urge to kick yourself. Be your #1 fan instead and remember why you are awesome.Maybe somebody needs to hear this right now.Go out there, be awesome!PeaceTim#gamingindustrylayoffs #layoffs #gamingindustry #gamingprofessionals



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  • Jayne Robinson

    📊 Marketing and Brand Management 🎨 Content, Influencer and Social Media Specialist 🖥️ Experienced Remote Worker and Team Leader.

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    More gaming industry layoffs announced today, just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that...etc. Difficult to not feel anxious about it even when it not me that's been impacted. I feel so sad for everyone. Guess that's what happens when you're an empath? So to try and give back a little positivity, here's a couple of tips for dealing with the bad news in the first few months based on my personal experience: 😑 You will be sad and angry. Leaving a job suddenly and especially one you love is a grieving process. Allow yourself to feel the feelings, get angry, rant to your friend about it, have a little cry. Whatever it is, the feelings are valid and you'll feel better for allowing yourself to process them.😴 Take some time to rest and reflect. No need to rush into applying for new things immediately, use this as an opportunity to celebrate your wins, analyse the fails, have a little break and think about what the best next steps would be. 🎬 Make an action plan. Of course, this is going to be partly focused around job hunting but you could benefit from planning some things for yourself to fill the space between the job hunts. Perhaps there's a new skill you want to learn? Maybe you want to spend more time on your personal brand building? Creating a routine after your usual one is gone, will help you stay focused, motivated and feel better.✨ Remember you're not alone and try not to take the layoff as an attack on you as a person. You are still valued, you are still talented, you have skills that people need and things will get better. It's really easy to let bad news pull you down, so use the connections, friends and community around you to keep spirits high. You are not alone and things will improve. If I can offer any assistance through a quick CV/portfolio review, some advise or something else. Please drop me a comment or DM, I'm happy to chat. I'll also try and focus my personal content around things that I hope will be helpful to the wider community, so stay tuned for more tips and stuff. #gaming #gamedev #gamingindustry #layoffs #gamingcommunity #redundancy



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  • Chris Legg

    Level Designer, Game Designer, Screenplay, QA

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    Sorry for the rant, but this is sad and too true. 😔 What makes this worse, all the people laid off could move on to different career paths, causing the industry to lose great professionals. Even worse, the industry has no support for its staff, no Unions to help defend workers, no laws to prevent greedy shareholders putting bonuses and profits before employees.The movie industry showed what can be done with the Writers Strikes and Sag Aftra. Yes people were laid off due to films being cut, but in the long run, it will help the workers in that industry. I feel this is something strongly needed too in the games industry to help prevent this crises again, becuase it will happen again.Imaging yourself as new talent coming through education, you're in your final year and you're looking to find that 1% chance of a entry position into a studio, to suddenly see 10k people being laid off! In the UK, it's £9000 a year for a 3 year course to get a degree, to suddenly be hit with this nightmare. How many people will now look at the industry and go "Nope!" as its too risky? Having many seniors around is fine, but when they retire and no fresh tallent has appeared, what then?I finished University in 2016 with a Bachelor's - first in games design, then desided to further study and achieved a Masters in the same field. Since then, I have struggled to find work. I released my own game on steam, so I could at least have 1 credit of a game release, even if it was a flop. Eventually after Covid, I finally found work in a studio, where I learnt a lot and had met some great people. But sadly 9 months later, I was laid off due to financial cutbacks and at the same time, thousands of people had the same issue. Now, my career may need to change path and revert back to my previous one, which sucks, as I spent so much time, effort and cost to try and get the career I have always wanted.The games that released last year were awesome! so many great titles, projects I would love to have worked on and gain experience with so many tallented crafters. But now, the gaming industry looks bleak, with so much tallent out of work, with so little work available, i worry for the industries future.Sorry for the long rant, it's difficult to hold it in whilst everything unravels around you.Happy new year everyone, and good luck to all of us looking for that new adventure, lets all hope we roll a D20.

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Ian Barniskis on LinkedIn: #bungie #layoffs #destiny2 (42)

Ian Barniskis on LinkedIn: #bungie #layoffs #destiny2 (43)


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Ian Barniskis on LinkedIn: #bungie #layoffs #destiny2 (2024)


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