The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

read roR proti nx a i "want for results SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 1013. 57 THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER. IIOOM1 TO I IMtlVATn HOISES IUMni TO I.i;i'--l'III ATE AI'AIIT uml AI'T. TO I I'T I I RNIMIEII oil. IKIIMCI, and l.olK.IMi IHH ft on., i.orrs ami HI I IIIOS TO I I I iiiillniiril. Iliiklu.iil (Hllri-a, M.irei, I. on mill Oltullim 1 1 I fl. ISI IIV hi a i-iailtiililt I'l tin. liaiima M.W ht tr JuU WaeliiiiKHn hi.

n.i I Mi: 1IOI NKS, HOTKI.H and I.IIIM.IMi IHH -) tilt X4I 4 nil. V- MTBKJ INC, hotki, nuRinta, CnMKUri.Mi AMI BANK NOTK'E TO ritOhl'Ki'TlVB liUTEIlSI HA VB I.AIt'lF.ST AND MOT pki.wt uvr nr fiti'KMiAiiu; iiutki.m AMI AI'AKTM KNT lliMMI.rt IN HAS iltsVlHCU. UMiV A ftV ABE SHOWN J1JJ.IOW. im i Miniiinol. A A llol'l I.

H' Jl ll. llf.ill -l' IIOTI.T, IS llir, UM' At ItK.o.SAHI.r, ll.U'K, i. I 1 -i ii I ill Mil I o. 7V I I': I UMK I IV VN M--. UXI-TKIl ST.

VAKi: mi 'M' A I HI I. II i rut AMI ill- LIT A 'I M-H VK. AAA- iH iikIiI; iilctl jIw'bT tunnel it-t fl fu iiii'l Hi 3, 4 r'n villi ki'ih, Inf. I I 'iii up; I lif rrtiii t. l.lii Kiitii vlr tnua gHi.i'-ti; l.

tf No. 7 direct fn.i lrrrLMlli, 4. AMiKlt'UV. pmp. IIOTI.I, imml'Ol.

'i5 OTaitKlI; rilv tl ifil ii In Hal; inlh with crry i.jhi, mti-iuin. ui, m'll reira ff, (r- lH.lil-, "k-Ti ll.l. -T i i.l:"T" K.i.i. li.ii-l, I. it mil rnl4 tf, I'lirnUliril mid 1 iifurnUlirill im.

o-- tt. a AlHiiinlu lloiiiim in l.rl I'rlval llimae. WERSTHU, Aluiiusli A lady llrli'J alen want tu reul 3 or 4 to nmii and wit one or tun ladies lor housekeeping; ouif iued ap la-. HOOMH TO LET HO I EI.M AM) IIOII1IIMI lllli NEK. AliDKN Ai'TS, I'oat, ror, UrkitiSunnr.

larg i'uisiuk ruotiis; prt. pa'li. steam I.Y llnl SB. 41 and Ilowanl -iku n-uu. all iiiihIiiii: 3u.l in II lf ntL'ht: I'J l.i i Itul.MN A SHAIll', imps.

liLAS llol 754 lUrnann, "near Thl-vl iiaiti iitii.lirit nioms: Is't'e re-ulmg roumi hot viut-'r; n.uiia 41 li r.i. IloTKI. ST. I I.Allt. cor.

Piist and Jones-hiuiny mii-lde bslhs, 13 ntber wk. lluTl.L ISA (sj piVie cr. Polk'i4 iiiodi-in, pgiit rooun, nciiu heat, hut water, elciatur: new. riol'EL (1) TA VI f.airo, lana, nr. ci'vic Ceidat r.ieg.

mm, sun all eonr. $'J 50 wk uu. IIIIIERXU lloTI I 221 7)h." i bbailui frow i in kri in uitmy tiskpg. pk.iiu. wk.

up. LEAVl-SWiiRTll, HMii, nrrclif.aiiiaraptrSii tel. Iniiikliu ftli75 lloom tu rrnt in a 6-nsua ainniniiil u-cnpied by oaiplr: an unaleta wall lug reasieiah PEMMItoKB' (TiuoT75ii LaikmTnT.Ti Farreil -siiiiuy ns. ma with utb; amyll room, NKSS nr. alng'a! iill-.

offn-m, ,11,11,,: I -1 KOOM.H FOIl HOI NEKEr.I'l.VU IMtU ATE HOI MON. ASHIil RY, 417 Newly fum. frvmt parlors, lias) mi con watsr, sun-Pi tor light nu cJuldren; f-mia maibl, Park tuf-iA ALVAKAI'O, 5f5 3 or 6 auuny nlshed nHitnaj liivui, Baua, viaua, pnrai noma; mil reasuaa kble. ALABAMA. 1081, nr.

Jfld-Fronl bay-wliido- n'oin sun sii'-nnnext; eompiet mnny reaa. ALVARADo. 861, near No-8 larg lunnr rm, Uilh; nuely furnUlnd: $10. CHAN AN, 037." nr. MrAHitr Hunuy franl luiiovurs, uuoacsecpiog room; jaiaw closet; phone, bath, very reasonable.

Bl'sll. Nli, clean, frutit room: kitchen; water; gas; bath; laundry; weekly. BUCHANAN, ir.7.. near lieiyv 2 front counsel. Itig nsiins, eomtilete tor housekeeping; elec.

light, raiige, yiilcr, tie phone, Imth, laundry; reas. lll'SII, -Niie laig aunuy nm and kitchen- eite. $12.75: atngl rm, for bath, phone, laundry. BI'SI 1 (Kii i 8 1 muy fum. room.

lUiht bakiig. II desireil; ninjialer; pie of piano phone, balh, BUCHANAN, fumihed froal siumy limiekeeping numia, $ltl; yery rejiwmabla. BUSH, 211)5, cor, Fillmore Front aulti-a, $10 and $1S; alao single roonia. BUCHANAN, 14002 front con. rooms, fum.

I bay windows, sun, kllchenett. water, bath. BRoDBRICK, 1(1242 sunny roou. gaa or coal atove. Imlry.

BlfoMLEY' off WeWt Jnr7jMsAo -4 mat furui.iliej rooms, $1)1; 1 to 4. BUSH, 10022 aunny rooina, newly wall lied, open grate, reg. kitchen, free phone, $22.60. BUr- Il7 2377 Beautiful newly" furnT apt, vei-y mtonable. BAKER.

1412H 2 sunny front room fur bouaa keeping. II, Nicely furn. front 2 rooms, apt) $17; also room and kitchenette. tHK CT1 AN AST Oct. nr." ni)8uny fujlali jingle andhouekeeping tuitp.

II AN A N. 2020," near" California Himny" fura, front free plion. BRODBRICK 1719 Sunny frait'and baci ir-lers; usejif kitchen; well gas, bath, yard. BUSH, 2202, cor. Steiner Siumy front room fo BTtiTADWAY, 1321 Sunny, fum.

room, buff a kitihen. laundry, free phone; Hyde cara; fid, fil'S II," 1643 Newly 2 sunny rooms, $12 A nuv. hatn, pnone, Iiiutinry; also room. A RTlTL niuuiy, luniWied. front hskpg.

rooms; very convenient: reasonable. HUSH. 2,1773 connecting newly fum. base-neni jihiuis; yaid. ganlon; $15.

CABRILLO, 1728 near loth Rich. Mat A healthy home for a parent with a child for $15 a month; In a now up-to-date rldenos-ehild will be cared for during th day In th alwence of parent CLAYTON, Ml, nr. Halght Fura, floor. A auuny rooms, sink, toilet, rloaeia. lncludin gas and eloetrictt" f25; dlt COOK, 150.

off Geary 2 nicely fum. hskpg. rooms with kitcHeu, bam, gaa, ail conven ieucea; $12.50 CAMP, 14, off Guerrero, bet. Ifllh and 17th ats. tsiiuny, ncwiy lurnisiiea ironi ronta ana kitchen, balh; every convenience; for 1 lady; reasonable.

CALIFORNIA. 2317 Newly furnlsliod housekeei. mg rooms, bath, running water; $12 up, I'hou West 114511. CALIFORNIA, 1301 nr. Hyd Kitchen, Uvir naitti, natn, lumianeo, ifi.

CLAY. near Webster Front basem*nt rooms for housekeeping. CAl'P, 677, nr. 21st Clean, aunny front room. eon.

Imth, phone, laundry, free ras; $15. COLE. 702. nr. Haight- 2 front parlors, $18; i Iront nsms, newly nmitsneii; iumy.

COLE. 7IS. bet. Haight and Frederick Two eunny nus. arul $iji, CLEMENTINA, C06 Two large housekeeping ira.

Isilh; $1 CLEMENTINA, 321A, near Fourth ing tooins, sunny, large; gas, pnone. CLAYTON 6132 nicely furnished, sunny, rVo-t bath, II desired. CAI'P, 9S0, nr, 25th Large, sunny, furnished front rom; kitchen, 114: 3 rooms, $20. CAI.IKIRNIA, 1214, nr. Jones Urge dining room, ntnihir kitchen, closet, gas range; reaa.

CLARA, 108 Furu. room and kitchen, gas rang anil wash tubs; rent reasoimtiie. CLEMENTINA. 2882 nicely fum. rooms for hskpg.

centrally located- near irourth st CENTRAL 2002 sunny, 1st fleof rooms; bath, elec; pnv. entrant; mo. COLE, 764 Light sunny housekeeping room to let rent reasonable. DEL.NLMi.. 110.

nr. Frederick Elegant fum. front suite; sun ell daj-; 4 closets, gas range, ooat grati: aditlls; tvf. $20. Hayes car (No.

6). UEViSADKRO, 319 Nice, large, aunuy fronl rm with kitchenette, al! conveniences; $3.60 per week. DEVISADEKO, 1630 Nice, sunny hskpg. rms, 1 reg. kitchen, private bath; free lights and tel.

Paric Larg sunny mom, equipiied for housekeeping; reas. Large, yard, bath, plume; single room; rent, DEViSADERO, 2102 nice quiet sunny rooms, complete; $12. DB ISA It (X 1728 Sunny front roomj $3 per weeli; DOLORES. 2X1, near Kith 2 or 3 fum. reg kitchen; reas.

to nice people; adults only. fniLORE.sTo'H 1 or 2 extra aim. front hskr-g, elec, gas. run, water, central. 1517Tner Geary Two aunny connecting rooms, suitable for hskpg.

reaa. Two nice sunny" room wit-kitchenette, $20; all conveniences, ErKYTSADElib, 1355 Urge front aunny apt) 2 or 3 petaons; $20; running water, phone. sr. Van Nuw wo large front hmisekeepinj rooms; bath and phone; also larg sunny a-cipert rooms. $1.50 week.

ELToN 5 Ellis, nr. Polk Nicely fur-iii-hfd front roonv, with or without use of kitchen; rent reasonable. cor. Octavia $4 to fl.BO week; beautiful, large, sunny bay-window trout rooms, buffet kitchen, mn. water, gaa range, laundry.

ELM 219. bet. Golden Gate and Turk alb. Nicely furnished two rooms for housekeeping; rent u-asonable. 706, Richmond 2 nicely fum- rms.

ior to quint couple; nr. Park; elec. res; reas. EDDY'. 1034 Urge room, sunny, nin.

water, elec. and gas; tine yiew; luiuble for man and wife; 4 ciMineA EDDY', 817 Nieeiy furnished housekeeping rooms with biiffi-tkilchet-s; hot andcoHwaterj Ness--2 or 3 large connecting rooms suitable for family; reasonable. EDDY. 907 Housekeeping, sunny rooms, separate kitch. gas.

elec: walking (list: piano if desired. EDDYTSIO Large sunny hskpg. rooms, buffet kitchen, it is ranne. sink, bath; $18. ELLIS, libs Nicely furn.

front alcove room; alas dining room and main kilehenj reasonable. EiiVriTEENT IL 4254. "near Castro Sunny "fronl nicely furnished hskpg. room with alcove; reas. ELLIS, Large hedronin.

kitchen, dining room, phone, bath, yard, laundry; $10 month. EDDY, SiiK "(itie lait." room, furnished for hi.iisekeei-i it; also rootu. FL1.IS. lTsi ei-ping risims, ruining watt. er; sun n'l day; cheap rent.

1432 Nicy lui-ge toom for wit'i gas. 1 1 week. ELLIS, nr. Lainna 1 and 2 conneeling furn. front hskpfr.

$2.50 week and up. ELLIS, 1170 Nicely furnished rooms, with o( without houaek 'jpitig: terms ieainable, -N. a'tiy fumished comer suite, com- plete for EDDY, 1)512 connecting rooms; ysrd, alectrla lights, hot water, balh; $20 month. I'uriiUhcil nail I nliirnliilirill mi.

I.EA I ESVMiltTII, In in, pl. 2n.T-Fiini. runui. l.nlll, (Irani Ileal, but M-ltlT, fel. Pi I uiikliii Ai'l NA.

I.i7. eor. Ceaiy Newly funi. utiur I ui cild us lor; walking una. it 4 l.

LAIIMN, 1-V17 Sunny, quiet room; lame fl. f-in 'l- $12 mo. 1 ipi Kl.gant aunuy In. nt runui, 1" 1 1 a Id luliiM. I'll, runklln CEAVLNWoI'TH, 82H -Nn-elf furiilihed rootuai aunny, eierj' walk.

j-r moiiilu BNWo till, 1120- Lleg. bay window, aai. it. walk, iimt. lee linioo.

no sign; ra, ESWollTII. lldo-tin aiumy fmiit ruojn in piivnte finiii'y; rent $12,60. MIIKIITY. 50 -Mutiny room, larg cloni't, balh and tilt. me.

for I.Yo.S. IUU -2 funi. rioin. gaa, 1 huiia J'lOiuoro 2lli.

NA," 2701 Siiiuiy front room in upper tint. good Imalioii; refereinva. I'boue West 2it40, LYoN, 317, near Park Foul Sunny ruuui tor gt'iitli-maii only; re's. LYoN, 1717 Huuiiy neat funiiaiied room, balh. gas, j.tioii; no uiiittr ruomers, VK.NUUIITII.

l.rve aunny Louis; batli,; nsy walling dit: rci. LEAVENWORTH, 1127. near Cahfonila N'lirl ium, aunuy nut water; use piano; fit, m. Mi'ALLISTER, JJUl. near Killumi--Newly fur- iiisiied ninny trout rauu, tieiinc light, phun, balh.

tioird: 'i-asonahle. A I I I 1 4 1 1, nr, FraiiUTn "Two liiutifol In ml ruoiiis; aiiui tunny housekeeping ruoim; ltin rc isoiittiue. MI.NN.i. i. ill; I block fmm Mjiket at Front npisM- toom, mouth, MIliDI.E, 12.

Is' I. Fillmore ami Webster, mf Pin -sunny liotit loom laige nit, wepg. MASON, lss, lt. Pulon and FllberV Lai go, alASON', 8t7, cor. Pino Nlm unity front ruuio; waiKing utitaiice; hot.

water; reaaonani-ij Ct a irnitei. nhime: nba Ion. I fid wki $10 ma. SlcALLlS'rEll. 1163.

nr. mimorw NI'-, vnnf rii.vt all iiiionat II. i twr weea. tin, ITa.hiN. II.Vj A youtut man 4ant young man aa roommate: manilo in bet'inner.

M. lliainsir-a. MNETICENTII, Guerrero unny front bay window turn, rooms fur 1 or ever con venience; reasonanie. NATOMA. nn block from poslofflc Hunny roonia.

good Wrd. NATOMA, 523 -Front roi-m, $9 per maj also inspiff room i twr mo, NINTH, Nke clean rooms, cuuutctlng, dpsiretl; 12 np. OAK, Mil). Apt. 2 Furnished rmin.

private houses; nice, sunny room for gentleman; private uiuiiv; rcill rrssnuauir; retereucc. OAK, S45; car No. 0 itussea door; block frun llimore Vary larg nu. ior luki-g. large clo.

at, latin. com. no chlldn. O'FAItltELL, 1705, cor. Fillmore Large anuiiy cotiier ly wiieiuiy room; mudtru; reuonable, It VJ LI 1 A a tiviir.i.i,, i mriu rwHiM ior gi-u.

tlemen onlyj refs Imth and phone; elec O'FARIiELL. 1201 "Nice, sunny Mums, with prtr- neg'j oi iiomeai-eping; fl.iu weeg up. FAIIREI.L. Niiely fumislml ouWd aun ny nsiu-s; per week; phone. OCTAV1A.

25S l-Voyit and l-ack unntiv parlor; Kenta Call after 5 a urn- tune Sunday. OAK, 273 Large front room, $2.50 week wit Lain. O'FA It Kl'J 123!) Ibaim with tiln Luis. ntU-- atiuv inr tvio; running water; pru $12. OAK, Sll Comfortable medium siip-d lot-m; lnorleni conveniences; No.

7. I'ark 13II3. all PINE. Elegantly furnished rooma to rent. suite or single; rent cheap; call morning or evenincs, PINK.

1174 Front room; ann all day; bom ci'-nion, per mouiu; yery quiet PINE, liiTil. near Junes, apt. flat 5 Niceiy fum. soi-ny front rooms, bath. ph.

reaa. walk, dlst. PINE. liiTO. near Jones, apt.

Bat 6 Nicely furiv sunny irouy. rooms; uatri. pn. reaa; walk, dl PACIFIC 1527. near PoTk-- Fniritroom, lieds.

marinw rlew. bath, phone; $14 month. PAGE. 5Si. nr.

Fillmore sunny bay wmnow ressonanie; not. coin water, ph PINE, U77 Nicely furui-thed room; also aiinny auite. riNB. 251.2 -Iieaut if ui bay window suite, gas! bath, plume, also ainitle rocm; rent reasonable. INK.

1W01 Siumy fnmt elec, lights, bath. stue oi nouse; 9 lo su. ROMALN, 13'.) Cottage rm. by aeif; 2 "entiances; close to two car linea; for 1 ur geiitlo- mem SACRAMENTO, 1 13o lr-r frv.nt minny i-cen. or -nine: inu-n -near; nenuttlnl location; wnlk-lng; lialh.

prfione; broakfast If detii-vil. STEIER, 017 2 lovely un. nnu" water. or noautuui re if. oitung ruom, kulclienette, ma bath, phono, piano.

Sacram ENTO, 2M5 Elegantly furnished rooms wun nam aud aliower. auitahie for bachelor nuarlcrs; use of piano; rets, required. SI'TTER, 2130, 1 block from Fillmore Larue fur- msiicti iioui riKiin. BiuiHiiie ior or tu; also one suitable for housekeeping. $12.

SACRAMENTO, 131,2. nr. Jones To let. newly itimisiicu, aunny rooma; iree U'lepuone; call on and after Monday: references. SjAN JtiMb 254 One nice sunny room, suit able for 2 gentlemen, adjoining bath; private bouse, no signs.

$12 ner one person. 110. riTTTElt, P.175, near Fillmore Large elegantly nn, mom, inn. anu com water, electric; J4 also other rooms; ratea reasonable. SUTTER, Double parlors, suitable for 2 or more; also other rooms; free phone.

SUTTER, 140(1 Very desirable rooms for $1.60 ana i weea; pinning water, wtn and phone. STEINER, 2S Two connecting aunny' rooms. with running water; opi-twite park. SUTTER, 1773, nr. Buchanan One or two aunuy ruiuu-s; inn nam, pmnit nonie.

HviS, nr. Webster Small and large puim.v iroui rooms; gus. pnone, pain; wk. STEIN Bit, 1461, cor. O'Farrell.

bh-k lo riiliiiora well rum. minis; 5-1. all 3-5. STEINER, 1533 A large front sunny room foir reiu tor ceutiemen. rSAC'RANiENT O.

14ol), near Leavenworth Cozilj furnished outside room. SANCHEZ, 15:10 Furn. room, only private farn- ny; sinnie, doutiio. per month. JOSE 2S9 aunny toom, every oonvumi'iicc: yery low.

SUTTER. iil'JO Two "newly furnished rooms, all modem conveniences; reasonable. STEINER, 8, cor. Hayes 1 or 2 sunny unfur- nisneii rooms; suite oi nousekeeping. SIXTEENTH.

33322 large rooms, bath, porch, one-nan uiocs uay nonie; lower nat SCI ITT, 128, nr. Halghtt Room for 1 or 2, wuu or wiiuoui i-oani. SUTTER, 2150, nr. Steiner Beautiful sunny ironi room, pnone, pain, prnaie lamiiy. STEINER.

1712 Furnlshad ninny front room. prnste lamuy. SEVENTEENTH. 4104, nr. Market Larpe, cozy nun.

closet, or men, 17.60 STEINER. 1724 Sunny nail bedroom. $7 sunny panor r-eqroim. TWENTY-THIRD, 2970, nr. Harrison Back and front parlors tor married couple; sunny; refs.

no children. TAYLOR, 1320 Beautiful furnished rooma niarine yiew; every convenience; walking dis-tance; table 1-oard near vicinity. TAYlAOli. Yl5r. onr.

Clay l-el fum. room mod, walking distance. Call mnminga. TAY'LOIs 930 Sunny rooms, fumished; ruuiuug ati-r. TWENTY-SECOND.

S349 Iyely firn. rms. suit 2 gunta; for run all day. TURK, 12S6 For rent Newly furnished front room, also kiicnen. I'none (vest TURK, 1204 Sunny front room for gentleman.

oat anu pnone mniiiy; i ujnontti. THIRD i23 Sunny turn, sleeping torch, breakfast If desired. TURK, Walking disUnee; well furuislied rooms; resmnable i-ent. TTVENTY-IiFTIL 2II22 BrntSiinny front room; nicely furnished; rent reasonable; ENTY'-FI 11 ST 26T Sunny" fiwTrooi-, auitablo for two meni bath. ohona TJNI0N, 1014---Furaished room, bath, phon.

$7. VAN NESS 2256 Bachelors' quarters, comfortably furnished; 3 large bedrooms, with eedar clnnets, cozy den, open fireplace, bathroom, toilet, sleeping Jsiix-h. slielteiTd roof garden, une of fully equipped dark mom. grand marine view, near sile: private family; gentlemen only. VXLBNClArBlO, nr.

llltli Large front 2 Lciis, suit, for 2 men; bath, phone, $12, VAN nr. Tttrkaireinny l-oom, 2 gents; single beds; single moms; $2 wk. WALTER. 65, nr.T4th Large, sunny, Tront nmirt, suitable for 1 or bath, gaa; very reas. WASHINGTON.

1075 Sunny "furnished rooms to rent: bath, electricity; rent reasonable. WEBSTER. 103, cor. Haight. Corner, sunny all new and modern; no bthcr roomers.

WEIISTER. 2H50 Nicely furnished front room; all to car lines; rent reas. WEBisTER. 1710, near Fillmore Sunny large front room, kitchenette: run, water; tent reas, WALLER. nr.

Fiihiiore aud llaight; uii furnished room; phone, bath; $7, WALLER. 388. nr. Fillmore Nicely furnislie! funny fitait room: also inside room; rea-sonabie. A beautiful front room, nicely fumished, bath, phone, easy walkin distance.

755 Pine st, bet. I'owell and Stockton; rent $ln. I'hone Ivy. A well furnished, sunny front parlor (no r. Water), vei-y reas.

iiS Piuo. Kearny 5554. BEAUTII'TL furnished mom for one or two gentlemen nootlicr rr-o-mers, Box dlf. Exam. FOR rent Handsomely furnished room in refined, modern private house: use of telephone, library, piano, breakfast if desired.

Telephone, Sunset fir 17, mornings or evenings. MODERN sunny furnished or unfurnished steam heat. hot. water, with brenktast if or use of kitchen; ref.s. Apply Snnd-iy 22' 11 lirkin apt.

3, phone Prospect SUNNY' front ronm. bent and balii, for 1 or $2. per week. Box 0144, K-taminer. Hoonia to Hoime.

Let Private HARRISON. 1.13H. Oakland Elegantly fum. sunny room, grate; (very convenient; in town. I nr l)EW tliil VAN 111 Iil Il tiiM.isti utu nii iia, I.KAK- llomnlliK hoii 11 fifty i-rnii nil l.i-t atnit, I.

In. Al.itti't ami MimIiii, tlilitIV I ii low iriit; tlialtil uu.n..-jti a m-. iii.i), To Iaa rtnaiili'a nf 30 rm en O'l'atTil Hi firi Went nf teit. bi.t nut in lno puiui lltifinelj l4i, HKiileru, To Iie Hotel and aalnmi on fWm'lienet enrner nf llth ml Minna emitiuiiji b7 Nalla, third prtiat lntiia, ati'aiu beat, tlioiiiw and ernry eninenleip-n, ro.iua teiy n-re; eii.oy for oreiipamy Ju IW dttja; full at our i To ia-ae Aiwliiii-nt Ihhiw 27 Pi Hi ij lul iy and Uayeimorlh uml, ready for la-nipaiicy in iaie m.ittt; teiy low rent; mall ateaul lip-it, etc; kit. and atlr re.lua tiled; lull information al our ilfir.

Kf llN NK1LAN Inr, SHI Until inrt, riioue Kixiniey SS14, Attcbdaiit at office til dojr Uuuday. 11. litl KUt A TO, HI, 8S Poet APT. 0,1 rm: 3 fnintmrr; In en lHt aix. duitriiir: Ui be KaipiMed anon; piani al oliie, APT.

HUH, an I'uJi rmvr laUldtn-t; lulh and kit iiiiK fi.rTiiKieil; plan at nflk. KlinilUir and I.enw fur UOTEL. m. "uUthK! etoell-nt con.1l-lion; low eent; claili luation; Imva grtnuul t-bbj; xucrtfli for ewiy u-roia, HOTTJIi, R5 luO cent b0; automata elwutir; efia In; meo only almrt tune; -aliwuitiy tumlal-ea; ONLY hm. iLii Wn.T rriLn mo to 200 rm.i IT it beilin; inrtrn.

8 front kit. In In- rt of gruwtiuj Mw-ionU dlatnot; nut lo no. JOR It ft Real Iiaauto, Ih'ik, luaiiranoa, LBASINii. T9, M. Kl I'.

ie). V. It, MACAIkAM Ai t-iug. 120 monia; we-ui'i. aw.

buieo In Han Kmn. 4 trr-t frjntnif'. eittm lir- iiwaua and ibi-" lup rrMiia, uiiiibtc ruutu large Un md L.l.ot. Pal riottw, all 2a anA g-d kalloo; tllkA 111. ui raana on Ollf, at: 1J tniHd to antlt; VT.rai nee iiaini.

"ii room Pr (pond V-ntlnn; guarantee' ai tx-r monlJi i-liar: maal lnio: tjk: r-tiuaii tttiL 2-naaa rutwilna-liout to icaee; N. JLukul; I ia If you doo't wtiat you "tut her cU tt the iiffiiv: hare It If yii n-ant tn nil )-our pl.v Hat It with Mate lire leyina. WILL build rootninu liniuie on mnier, near Kllia and I.a'kin roottu; nut $7 per TIlKVOIl Mim(pni7t. muma ami bir; beht town im eit; pay 1 1 oil per tun, net: good reuaoiia (or aeoiiig. Hi ix ihmi, Kiandtii-r.

ISiekoUM apt. beet local. -1; enlinly new; CAN tor iliplt and mouUUJ) pnymenK Hoi ntvi.i. h-iaminer. Onkliauii Ajinrtnirot lloiiara, llutela and l.odit'lnit llnuaea to Lena.

riril leaae OiTroom ai't. hmisei furniture tor ale; rent, funn-hiii. nm; untiirniaiiiM. eipiylhliig lip to date; centrally located: atrictly liliili claaa; notliln in Oallniid better; eniuppcd Willi o. linn fn-ili air beita.

an on fPth (laklanil. NEW aparlmcnt house jut n-mplelerl, 51) room in and a-naim apannicni. sieeiung Kn'iie-, roof ganlen. baHni 'm; repreenu the last work In apartment Tii'iise constnictlon; located on la'ie Merrilt biiill rlrht down to the lake Willi boat landing for tenants: it i completely fur nished and ha never bee nccuoted; lvasnable rent, goial lea-e; uiut be aohl immediately and can lie bought Mr i cash. Apply t.

(.. SPINK. 110 Lake Oakland. AP-UiTMEXT-IIOl IIOTKI.S and I.O Mi I li-ll I v. A AN nlueated, exiieriencrd woman will manage ex elusive apinmenta.

I', o. tan ciiy. TO buy lease and furniture, or lo manage with vtew or jairen-uimg an up-io-nate apt noiLse, about 50 rooms- imut be flrucIaM in every wiv and a bargain. Box 7072, Examiner, 1404 Fillmore at, WANTED I'p-to date apirtment house. $25 000 to iJii.iam; will lie in Frisco In in davt.

Write full particulars at once. R. A. MELV1N, 216 Howell Fresno, ('al. WANTED -Firt clan apt.

bona In good loca lion: must ne floing the nusineaa; will pay Jjo.msi to II Bulled, uox li.iij-1. t. aniin-'r. to rent small. elect, boarding bouse.

Hux 01S4, Kyamlner. WILL pay cash for u-oming or apt houa clone in. Hog iii.M. Mummer. OFFICES, STORES, I.OFTS, STUDIOS TO LET.

A store to let; good location for barber shop. Hnx P21, xiuiurr. CLEMENT. 2101 Elegant cor. lore for grocery, dry goods or drug store, also oitire tor doctor or dentist.

'I1L'4V! i.n,.l.-l nil l.nk (n moms and 2 allie moms; t.atn; large place; ID, San Jose ave. ColtNER riaims; good location for physician lr.7 Golden (iate comer' Laguna, opp. Siiare. IiESKllOOM to rent in nice aunnv airy offlce; use of phone, typewriter. Apply bl2 Mill San Francisco, DIAMOND.

700 Store and 3 rooms; store all furnished ior a creamery; in nrst-clas condi tions-cut DESK room: all conveniences: central: $5 month. Box 6117. Kir, Phone Loug1a 16(iS. DICSK room for publlo stenoffiapher In exchange for tending office. Address box 11444, Examiner, DESK ROOM or share private office.

Tuesday or later, 500 PrciIIc bldg. Impure DIAMOND, MO Shop with two rooms, good for carpenter, painter or plumber; rent $10, ELLIS, 103, cor, Powell To leaae, small store; ideal location; suitable for jeweler, florist laundrv, jelc canly prefened. miilANT stow; 103S Market luitdil for millinery cr fur store or fancy gooils. H. MM E11F1 KJ.D A SON.

Plielsn bldg. FlNH store on Powell L. nr. Market: uitalile for any business: must hay quick action. Box 02.V1, Examim-ft FOR vent Store, 3 rcxana; all modem ImivroTe-menti; good for candy, notion or grocery.

378 20th st; No. 0 Valencia car atop at door. FOR rent Cheap, alore apai-o, 17th and Mission; suitable for any business. Inquire 2tHi5 Mission, FiHFl-eut- Garage with pit, electricity anil water. 722 P.igo nr.

Steiner. GEARY, 1740, near FilUnore--Urg store for rent or lease. L1AIGHT, 13U3, cor. Masonic Store suited for several classes of business; ready to occupy; $25. E.

MTSACH A M.14 10 Ha1ghtirt. LALF of store to "let "with ladies' tailor. 1172 Suiter near Folk; call Monday. LARGE space and show window In big busy atore on llltli nr. JIismod: will rent to leweer musio dealer, pholo auppliea, art and framing, or any clean, attractive business.

3020 10th Bt. MARKET ofllce. second floor, 14x50; large light Market at. wlndowa. low rent to good venanr.

Apply market; morn vji. MARKET, 773 Sunny offices, $10 month. MISSION, 1012, nr. 16th Store; $20. MARKET.

613. nr. Palac Sunny, light offlc, desk, phoup. stenograotier: $10 mont th. NEW store with 2 rooms; cobbler or barber; rent i no.

iey utrimiunc anay iiitney. M.NKTKh.M Jt, cor. riorida Mtors, 4 rooma; Biiliaoie iit uusiuess; cneap. OFFICE 17x27, LIGHT, HEAT and WATER l'TIHMSH KIJ. Ml'U.

ALLOWED; STORES lhxHO and low Insurance, moderate rnt. 140 NEW MONTGOMERY ST. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT ELEV. SERV. PROFESSIONAL man wishes to share his office with riesiiablo party; most modern building in city.

Box 6281, Examiner. PART of office to let. 87 Mo-nadnoek bldg. PART of olTice to let; steno-n-apher, phone; $10 month. 601 Chronicle bldg.

SUITABLE for a barber shop. 10P8A Union St. corner Buchanan. Box 7673, 1404 Fillmore at. STORE to let, cor.

Baiter and California; fixtures all complete. OWNER, 3518 23d; ph. Mission 2042. SMALL front office, wilh desk; also desk room; phone. 514 Pacific bldg.

STORE for any business; flue comer, Russia and linrlon sts. STORE Fixed up complete to suit tenant, ready to occupy. RAPKEN. 24-13 Sutter t. SEVEN stores; Juat finished; steel building; cor, Turk and larkin.

A. MEYER. 830 Market st TO LET Store: cheap rout; bat cleaning establishment in before. 43 O'Farrell st TO rent reasonable Large comer storo; glass Imth strict Clav and Battery, Address 111 Buttery. $20 Crieut will sublet beautiful outside office for tauance Ot term oi lease.

ANCHOR REALTY 400 Monadms-k bldg. Sutter rum. $1A Nice store wilh 2 llvir-j rooms; 24th ave. and California sttitilile for shoeinaler. tailor or barber.

Call MOEI.LKK, 2J52 Clement st, nr. 241 aye, Oaklnnd O'llccx, l.ol'm Stiidln to Let. ami DKSKROOM in one of the liest equipi! offlc in Oakland: desk, chairs, etc. fitmitdied: slen-B- I yapher and phone sTi-ice; RENT RIGHT. SW bvudicr.te Oak.a-4.

Mill iTl 111 111 A CUT A DC Ell JIM ri m.iiiiiiml In the dir. Ik-sum) Ir 1 1 ri I II is to sunny Ip l.i.M ru I nJlh in t. in jit lur l.ur"io and will tl.iiti-h rl. til- I ,1.1 li" for ei.ia.i.. 1ml w.itpr, f1' lind, h.i I'tialer.

lwi lei piit ii riflo, ad iticliidtd lu i nl. A J.I. nil I H. III. UK AMI HE illi-t A PAKTM ENT.

Ii hi. i I. ir mi Wu, I lu 3 i.t..i,i. imtie. W.

II Wll.i-IIIJU. I.I, Gutter 4197, 61 F'mt 1 AI'hlN, llii, I ion, I- lu lent, and U. A Ill' A. I II Mill I.M. I 1 1 1 2 'mill n.i.

I lit tint. -It iijfi Imi USIer, b.illl, I II'Y t-l -ill. 01 i.p III (., pirf, i.tiny il'l fio-illu'c. Ainu I li imttit 4 -m -j ftMiiiiij. h-iiu i in iiti i niw.v ii'iiniimh rooms; aliam Ul-I' fl'SMS.

MIll'W ti: i. A I dnM'iiK hi" 1KT I.I.I. AMI KTM lifuv HI -ill AMI i-ir, kv, i I I. I I IIMIHKIi, I' 1 1 A I.M.lrr AND HIS; LOOK. IS AIT-i," I'm annoy ,1 p-mii fiiniUlu-i m-t Mat IKK 4 Willi I '''a I "i I or "1 4 ro- pi )' "i 4 iw.lfl.'i, I'll.

1 Ml), I i him ii lure downtown -H Mu.l.iV, I- rslllh 'in HI) 1 7T -il f.inii.iiil i. ii. tin, (i r. at It Imlay, 1'INK, Iiifr StdMnn. iir-ult aii'l tlrf, Utli, uhom.

cltu r.yitin, li A Vl'i apt. 3 room, on intmuiKa Monitav. Bnnr.f and 4 ruom tiSTSti '-H ll'JltriKTTIt'KfrTKI lights. -1liHJ H.i. fiiiiMt.

An), f-4rwn, rl fiinilLtl iHirtniiii for fmir numUi: ua fhililn.n. miG VnT CXiAftP. l.i""Ui it. fVuurTTanw room tr iiie. ui fifth', Jll-Ci rtii miimji, inuLiitiij f'irii irii' hnuDp; irnl JM'Ji -a runt funiUliH 'hnwi-li'i-l'inf lath.

Biiiii v. ll.i rno. Ik 1 front riniii lu jtKiuli man. 1I r-71. ASIII NiiTdV, J.

B. 4 tmnin, iifwly tnriiiilicl, uli-am it niiir, tun. iiijiiiim iii-wl'rnulilin 11''7. ASH I Mill i Ii'. 4 Vm.Ui; hut vrriiej Himnr ii riTZiirti all ati-ant hmt, hut wur: I PIN it, 0.

I'ark, Int. Jl ml B4 aim. llujo t.i 5 rooina, l'hor-1 Hunrt 21 4. S54'J-N thiw rmn.ft. A I' A II ST I'.

l--Po rn I Hb il. Vi ANTKIi riiniitifd ainrtiiictit, two lil-rmiiiw, llririt n-ni, bath iinil kllzinn; nut-it I plrtiMiiitlir ImntKl fiul iiiiiv of hcitm lu Urant hik ami (ii-nry nmwmaltle. iti.x apt. ii. to lUlr.

cl.iwi in, tilulf rmiiilK; ttliK In Itkbmond In rtrlirii. Jlfit tillii, Kiammrr. I I HMslll.ll FOU SAI.K. I funiiilml 4-i-iini A-tminatrr 'nr. mli.l 'mr- fiu'iiiturw- nil ru-w; racri 'i'l' fur ut only hii ma all irv.

im' Aiiiia, el.; rar rrt ii. I.IO'I CHAIiH l'm-itUu m.itri liirnialiH thi -ar: ni'W, oust fa.otKi; kpII mien mill iiavimii. cJiUm, truirkiil 1. 1 ti-Ji i-pf im'al il.i tint anaw-r nil I' muly tn tv ilii priru, I'hon rarlllo f'T llpm Iritini nt.

JiAM-ioll 3 moiiw. a wliola or pi i in e. hi. rur ule nmm iit.tn1inint, rlir-ap; all iipw titu it ii uwnur liainiK cilj. (ill Minna ft, mi.

ii. I I it il" I' 1 1 ti I It a Apt h7 I e. ItMTl'ltB "iS-rmmt ant. lif-iiw. am lo(atl-m i-lru'lirl It.p Sk r'nuiMm Mi JihIhh1i-- Kiis, IIOTICIif.

ACME nnTKl. HIP at. tiir Ftmrth Siw lt.itl. Ix'lii r. ity'a Out-, iVi IKiiimh AT VfKKKI.V, ir.i; liiii.MH AT tZto KKM.Y.

ifi ltOUMS AT UI4I WKKkl.T Itnmra rn! truad' U(h. jl.Sn to J8 ireoklji. A nir'K to pi irry conirint. lUANHIKXT UAllift. OHo to $1.60 DAT.

ATiirttA ,114 Huh, mr, Orant ar. ipitliiitK new ami eietU-I. A Ory jti-rU ienir, ci'infurt Ri Rill i.MS AT WKKKIT i mi in Hi 4 ti rn ti: ui kKf.T THAXSIKNTS SOI.1CI I KU. i'k to J1.50 dtf. so extia i-liante P-r tw in room.

TtilTEIi ALAMO. I5 BVTTEll, NEAR tiltANT ATB. Cara Nm 1, 2 and S. direct from tmj; all rtra trannt-T to thf ijutPl. ifi" ElKntor, rlly rt.i hiat n1 hot watKT, nmillfiil irnMiLiJ fluiiT lobby, IikW parlor inn jn in rmurm mum: mral rlfL'atiDv hmiM In H.

V. wmipptj ntih fr aprlnin aid Oiitermtior rut- MIlitK. Willi l'f withiml prifata bath; rat fl dy "fi SO Mr mk no: aunuial nionthlr rate. Inona HuttM U4, )10TEI. THOMAS "llert Btdi lu Uty." turn Rih'atMf Ath ara.

New mi-rlem hotel. Mar 24: rn rmwA flior lobby. STEAM UEAT. hot at u'l teli'i-boua 'u all rouuia, It noma with lutha 2 week rm, -rid, ai rui wek tin. 2 roi-rni mill pntata bath between; fin, fnf (a.

iriinli 60t, Ui 1. Ml a day. CAKK 10, 11. 14 AND 26 PASS nOTiTIi. OiUilTfl.

Tll.l It-VP Ktitter at llowntiuvn, Amerlian plan lainuy nmiii home for familiea. ladies and cbildi-eu; must reainnalile fiitnily Vtcl in the city. lt'Kim without lwlli. 8 month np lioom without bath, meals. $10.00 week ami without bath, 2 nunla.

month up Room without bath. 2 meila week up Mo-to with botii, meal month up Rjoiii with bath, 3 meal $12.00 week up llnom with bJlh. 2 meal $40.00 month up Room with bath, 2 meula $10.50 week up Room with Iceoktast $22. (VI month R.K,m wilh breaiilaat week up in-i-een plan. $4 ww-k un $15 month up AAAA HOTEL SHASTA.

1114 Kearny at, cor. Hush. San Franclscll. Juit Openeil. Swell home bolel, most centrally located Hid tlegantly furnished: commercial and family; to fanillliu-Ue the hotel with the public the management will trite 25 per cent off from pre-ent ratea; 73 rma.

with attached bath, too day, $3.50 week uji; 75 rooms with prirat bath, $1.50 day and 15 week up; coxy lobby and nicis-ranine with us of the piauo free; Inspection invited. I'hrme Sutler 4SJ0. nOTOi FEDERAL, Market at Seventh. Just cipenod newest, most elegantly fttrnlshed, bomellke. up-tiHiato, tlreproof hotel In city; Jl minny rwims; center of theatre and ahopptug district; larte lobby; entrance on Market arid Imi SlcTWistui mip.

postolTli-e: rale 7oo to $2 per dav; $4 to $10 weekly; exoellont eryle. Hpeitial ralew to peruuneut 1.1'S (l'j- t-wii and nave crfare. Phone Market HirJ' AAA- HOTm ST. DANIEL. Juat opened.

-Right downtown, ti-TTlI RT AT MAIIKICT. rhm "lilia-k from main and In th enti.p of all lame stores and theatre district. 1 handaomelv fiimislml. aunny. comer m.j.n. liplnl- day and niitht eervice. Rate to $4 week; 50c, 75c, $1 DAY. Take ny Maiket-at cur from ferry direct to door; permanent andtransipin rjau wniaieu AA- H'ffiiL ViV BLJTh.ll n-u JVST OPBNFn; NEW. CP-TO-nATK IN KVKUY RESPECT: elegantly funi. uiU with inly, hath, also rooma wilh ahower.

THIS IIOTKL is nlolutely flroin-oof. We cordially vrtin- iii-inHt ion in connection we have cur dining nvmi. V.liX KPMMAli RATES PERMANENT Ot'Eti'IU Sutter-st, car direct from ferrv. I. "UOTKL ROSE.

15 Sixth st. New, modern, reinlorced concret imlldlng; flreiiroof; large lobby ou ground floor; 100 large, sunny inouia, 60 wuh jirival hath; flrst-claaa in every res-wet. To familiarize the hotel with the public will make these low rates: Hates dailv, bath privilege, 60c to 790. Rates daily, private bath, 75c to $1. linles weekly, bath privilege.

$2.60 to lUtea weeklyjjinyjte hath. to $4,50. A I-ANiTTTaM 141 Kddy Cnc block frun Pantage and Empres Theatre. Clean ami yniet. Thealricnl.

Tourist and ('ommerrlsl Trada Large (round Floor Lobby. Rati-i j-er week. $2.50 1o $7. Per day. 50c to Prlrate b-iilia, ihoue.

hot and cola water, ibtara licat, Full Hotel Servles. A HOTFL RERG. 221 Masou. near O'Farrell Tli newest on 1 most up-to-date hotol in. San ViamuK-o; excellent teiviee.

nlUN A eutiuy comer with 100 elegantly furnished pwtna, eviUiiiped with Hie mw mmtary bed. Clteted drinking water through entire houa. Lmf imm niia rriyat i-pen-big $1 to til day. 5.5tl to IS a week. t'.

a monih. A HOTEL HENRY. RTTTH ST AT MISSION. Pteel frame building; ween storiaii rt comfort. aaft-ir and ci-nventenre protutit.

and efticieut ser- Tuv; centrally liH-ateil, near theatre and shopping districts; rate to 1.6(1 per day, $2.50 to $'1 per week, AAA HOTEL TIVOLI. one block from and Powell, 140 Mason nr. Elds. Phone IVnig. 2hk0; hot and cold water; steam heat; ratea $2.50 wk.

lip; with bath $4 Wk. up. AAA A ISKCK'H Mlil'CK'S CAIH'OllM I.Ain.K'-T AMI Ol.liK.ST i.s i.TMi;vr nitoKfcitH. Cwtrleim, 1'nniipt, Eftlcli-nt Berrlc-a, cam. ra for the outaisaiilk IN IltlTKI.

AI'frZ'ltOOMINO IIOU8K9 VB IieitKWITU "aiTvkbtihb A FEW OF Mil MANY OI'I'llirreSITIES THAT AWAIT VIM It INSI'KOTIOS, WIIKCK'M INVKST.MI-:ST Itiium l'A HTC IH.lHl., Jlmael ami 4th. (Mtalli KiiKir.) tin 11, .1 i. -ia rtna beat; n.w; auuiont ITn-tal; c'rtira lilllO tannllii I.l'llKi K'H. until l'l'mr. I'lMifli 1'ldK.

II0TEI H.flMi: rent 5 a nn: yirinlty of Ha mniiey maki r. He 1.1 ItKt S. 'Htf-tli l'liK-r. I'ai tlie 4 vitfl? vt Ii 1 I HOI KB. I Iimi l-'INI mnlllll, 1' nM.

i.lptiK tiinilabi-il: eiivptinii-il buy. 1,1 IlKf'K H. Sutli K.i-r, SO-IlUOll TIlA SSI KNT HOI lj.t. I II II ill I I IlillKlil. I.I HKCK'S, (villi KUior, raclll hldf.

111111 rif.i'L1 .1.. n-auwa i vi.r ii inn bn.dle; ran aally clear $1M) montli. 1,1 HMTK H. Sixth I'ai-lflo APT, IIOl'HSi 30 ftgoMS; oah liai-dlea. fiunUliMl; wall known; alwaya fllird.

Vain nt ii in inn avni Duiuui-aiuastj comer lucatan, liKOrt'H, Pltth intJPrtflM KAtiy-iM KtrtDEUNLY KQlji'I 'BO. I'rlc lil.000, tearoa; hot and cold watm all roonu; good low nan; an, I.CIIKl'K'B. Wn" Parttle b'iJ. V0UkiNtJMF.N'S IIOTKL, .10 ItOOMS. Irn I'lnln-t kltchm.

to.J I 1 Ml nirmlh- 7lNI will lialldl 1,1 llt.i ri hum I arilic Quia. IlfKlMINO IKH SK-We, have on our of lioune In r- local mm that are makiiif (rm-d iiroflta, and lo boue tliat Diak (K-rid houiM and help bir Ui ex pna; If you ara luUjrotid call and r'l mxr lima: wh i--ui I'PKC'K'H, Hlith 1-loor. I'afifla blil. n. Winston co.

room 314 PAnnn ntnuiLNO. Market and Fourth it. rm nriaiVTPB TOPR TITtJS.l Katalilinbed 2i! yiar. Phoii CAnOAlN 1 A ini nnrisr tTOTFTTi. Rent only per mom.

iejiae 4 yar, 4.1 tiailia erntuid looby; prv elly hone a .11 n-ct line to tf.e atr rrr-iitio j. Look at the price we ax awing tor r. would conaider part In UtAia i-bfAThi abtnua Kll later I h.W" tl, il. IIP 11 n't 'imr'Rye I niii" -a bum. liio roonia; mil.

s.oo per ie" Work from I'owell; arranged In f. 8. and 4-room ty mrani mail lol-WT rtSEST Kl'HNlSHID APART. K.NT 1N CITY; part udiwiU tttiidl 1U R. U.

WINSTON It CO. GKEA'TSACniFICn- VL'll' 'IT IHtAND NBW room hotel, 2 block from Market at; rent fl.W per room; lew 5 yeara. It going 10 i-a oia iu wr ll.liuO, Act at once. It. 11.

Ii Have you noo CAsnr 4 We can place yoit in a nice inn i-i-w-n bona, clean and all mom rented; rent $.5, and A lea oyer the Fair It, u. niMiv.i at iu. ROOM "ptAt OLD EST A HLISUEO. ALWAYS Ri liable, put! MA HK KT, NEAR A WON ST. TrTI-EPlIoNE NUMB Kit FRANKLIN Br.H.

CLE A II TITI.f.S oil no n.l4.r.n. SAFE INVESTMENT SO room, dovsntown: arranged in 14 ua aiugie roouia; rears' lean at $150 MONTH: cleara, eaaily, 1125 per mo. price oma terms. THAT MAN JII.MVl.tI (Ull tA llOAl.irl. fit'RB TO PLEASE 24 room downtown cor.j irinsieni euirHon-Bi icanr; oi uuij clearing $140 tno.

"THE PRICE'' this la a furnished hoti'e. mod-wi etc. 8KE I11NK I THE LKAOEH. Jl.Vi CASH. $150.

tl rooma. niaa. intra iiicain-; Iths Nul. gooil capeta; transient trade; ntiirii. Iivtv aanri.

usually ael'ls for $1,050. TRY lNKIjEY. I) ESI ABLE 15 aunny rooms, neatly vrorth liiai; owner aick, must aeil; l.KAM,; RENT 50; busy Incntion; CLEAItS $10 mo.J a gift at $150. IT1NKLEY. UQH MARKET.

A CERTAINTY OF EXCELLENCE; 24 rooms; rent only $S4 MO. wilh ym. lease: newly rumisned, not ana cold water; itcany men roomers: price ait.iam; natr casn; orm ror- ret this Is a downtown comer. For partleu-ara SEE IIINKLEY. 1)0)1 MARKET ST.

fTiRTiALE Hotel, 61 rooma. nortil Market, np to date, tun; rent $1 per room. I'ru-e I4.S0O. cor aale Hotel, .14 rooms, one tiioeK from Market; rent I.i ner room Price For sale, apt Iiouse. north Market.

08 rooma. Ood condition; rent $4 iter room. Price or aie, rooming nouse, ei rooms, nonn Market, fine condition; rent lest than $7 per room. Frtc 12,500. tor aale.

Pine at, ant bouse, 64 rooms. clearing over per montn. l'rice For leaae, unfurnished, 4)-room apt. house .,1 mm A Ai. i.i.

pmra 'l. 1,111 large basem*nt, in line condition; rent $123 toer month. We also hy seyeral other bargains In hotel and apt houses, lumlalied and unfurnished, fir aalo or lease. KEELER HCoEL ft RROKERAUE CO 830 Market Bt. MODERN APT.

1IOFSE of 15 2-rra. apta; rent 7 room; terms, iiox ivvammer. NICELY furnished, good paying rooming house JO rooms; low rent; price reduced ror quick ale; owner leafing city, nog ooon, NEW, modern hotel, 67 room; best bargain in city; mw rent; long lease; central. Auuress box F.iamlner. 1404 Fillmore st.

O'FAItRELL. 1739 1 rooma, completely fur nished rent only per mo. price ROOMIN0 house In best renting locality; close In, a bargain it sold wiuun next; JO nays, uoi 6126. Examiner, ROOMING house $100 clear a month, ateady roomers; price cash. Hon ROOMING house, on account of aickneea.

For information call at lKill 1'olk at SACRIFICE. $430: 15 elegantly-furnished room lease $50; clear 170. Inq. (M2 (iate are. TRANSIENT HOUSE, transfer all modern; 0 rms.

Income producer. Box 6070, Examiner. $1,200 Easy term; 23 housekeeping rooma, 1-2-8 apartments, newiy iuriuui--ii wuu nan. won uia- bogany furniture. Telvet and Axminster cairets: no work to do; house newly papered and rented to steady tenants; rent only $05 per month; leaae over Fair; clear $70 oyer all expenses; there la no vacant room in this house; alwayl full and rented to steady tenant 1274 Golden Gate near Fillmore.

47-ROOM apartment nicely furnished; fine loca tion: clontlng 52IKI monthly; best bfcnraln the city; it will pay you to InTeatigato. Call 40 Kearny st. room 310. 80 N. Market, nr.

Van Nesa, exceptlonalfy well not eoia rent s-i rm. long lease, clean $125 $1,750, terms. Doud, 787 Mkt 42 room Polk tt, near Sacramento; cheap rent; cash or terms, box tin, j-i-taminer. Oakland Apartment Ilotiaes, Hotel and LodKlns; House! for Snle. cor.

house; H. and C. water, heat, fin laroeta and furniture, doing good buslneas: best proposition of its kind in Oakland: lease. Reasonable terms; other business cause of sale. Will consider Box 0380, Examiner, Oakland.

Berkeley Apartment House and Hotel for Sale. pop. raIe Boawling house of 15 rooms; all I furI1 1 --hnrl 2 block from campus: mus new- must eell on account oi neaitu. Address ioti uana at, Berkehy. Ph.

Berk. 7713. A APARTMENT-HOUSES, HOTELS and LODGUVG-irOTISES TO 'LEASE. ATTRACTIVE "O-rm. apt houBe, 28 steam heat, private ietise; $5 a room; walking dist.

to Exposition. 1739 Pine. DESIRABLE desk room for ngont; call 12 to 1, nm. -to, i. 4U1UU- ruiai FINE lncn.

for candy store or any 2 stores, cor. Fillmore and Ulay, next door to theatre. GOLDEN GATE 965, apt 5 Thoroughly modem apartment Douse, ou rooms, o-year lease. Sea this. CeOol) bu.sln-wi; Perk location; large cor.

room; cult protosvion or nusinrew; poue; eieciricHjr; liath. Box 0268. Examiner. gOWARD, 67731 unfurnished rooms ard stor to let HOTEL or apartment bouse. 60 to 150 rooms.

Nrwell-Murdock BO Montgomery -s. MCALLISTER, 7R8 20 or 40 unfurn. rooms; some housekeeping. hiwaitJio. Kearny.

NEW hotel to lease Comer, near Sixth and Mission; 4N rooms; every moneni conven-ience; no agents. 414 Humboldt, Bank bldg. PIERCE, 1231 10 i-oon-e: running water; 8 entirely furnished $30 pmontii. WANT TO LEASH FURNISHED MODERN i apartment nouse. to p' rooms; real estate I security: best rets.

UAUUi.lU Poll Kaven- I worth tt TO In Joa. M. 40 iiotnn to i.irr l'liiVAiu 1101 tl'urolNlird ami I nrurnlahrd.l W'hll, I24.1A Nvwly ImiiI. Imy iiilow r.i.!.n. brat, (k.

aicU tod Iiiiit uiiiy, nil, 'i'iiM, ui. F.ilinora nly luniiiliil mndow faun, all cniin'iiietua; In prima faui I'); no aign; w.ili or wultoiit Imanl; griitlMnm. rmsAN nr In (II AN AN aiiutiy front tiKium; ainala new iat walking I.i'i -Nii al'igl, aunny. front if deiili-jj; itiotitli, HAKHt. m-ar A Imui, ninny, liinly lloiilMii.l ihiiii; CAI.ll oltSI U'M), apt.

l.t Hid Nwly fur- lii-Jn-l fmnt tooiiia, up-jarate or eu auile; Ihi oil. if riaaiu; flow; brat, iintluiiiKit hot l-r; walking dintam-nj leurd f' loo a I ran mcnilujiu-lal 4 lo 'let eaH'7. CI.AY, ur Itrialerlrk A pleaaant nun or ault or one or with brtkrt. In n-uned hrta- Hun Hrienc family of A -uliilin. I'Il 11 lira.

CI.AVTOS, bi. Iir. IlaigM-Nlerlf furul.he.1 anil, ttoiii nn, in prir. J. iri tniKl.

crnif, l.t i ilt I A Hiiniiv. trout, bar aludovr vith 2 bi'la; $10 a mouth. liy. lli.i it fiitnl -i i. ft.

il-l rmin, Juat inn ion it'll OAl.ll'OIINIA. nr. Jutu.Siwly luni. lioilt Ii in, liatli; iient; left. CHI'UCII, Suuuy fumiihed room, work log nun or wotiitn: plione.

t.NtllALi., iil -Newly fum aunny trout run, rniiutf waiar. eieat fid aaontiu 1U H. 17--Outald roouia, 12 week up; klarkot and ruimor r. ear Hffl-l CaIJHUNIA, 1470, ACJ JAirulaliaJ roma lot gent 1,1 F0 Nicely fumFsheil front and aid root-is; rea. rent; also light bakug.

CALIFORNIA, 1571. Eioel. front twin lion; also ho. ipo. n.L eonr.i gentt Col.rl2sl.aer Moiii' two ISoeka from I'srk; rent ll'l.

llKt'lSAIlKRO 1155. nea? To let A nicely luniiilied room, electric llgtil, pnoti and path. lMILOHKS. i0 Front sunny fiirninhcd room nlso anir-iK room, juione. Hi 14-1.

aie FtOA Two cliau aunny rooms Mr rent. EliiiiTlENfirTlial. bet." Slis l.ui anil Valeiicli l-uru. clieap; iree will, pnoue. ara opoii.

EI.L1S. 1135 Lara well furnished ninny room, oiovemetit, with or without use of kltchent "-nuMiiiaoip pri'T. -liiOivTwo fin Mom, iinfur- nlshed, gas, electricity, phone, gss water beater, I in a in. nm, iciepnone aimsion mi. ELLIS.

1130 Small mom. $1 par also extra large one, running water, fj.ou per us of kitchen II ilclreit. J.LIS. 1722 Newly fnrn. sunny front room running water, hut aul cold; elec.

lulit; wtti FIXIS, 1072 Rl'NNY ROOM; $10 MONTH ELLIS, 15iKl, nr. Fillmore LatK. tinny, front risitn; rent reaninalile. EIilHTEENTH 371. Rich.

Dlst. 2 nicely fumlhed rooms regular kitchen; reaaonaiiie. EDDY. S10 Newly fnrn. sunny front auite and bskpg.

rooms; walking oiiannKj-jcasonai)ie. ELIJS, 1144 Finely furnished room; do for tt; also aiugie room; call morning E7.I.IS. 1042. nop. OsirlSt Theatre Single front room, wg.

i. i.pj; nui. wiut. KI.I.1S, IflH'J Large furnished room, every mod- ern convenience; suitable lor 1 or 2 persona ELLIS. 115 Nice furnished front room, auitablo for one or two; rter weea.

Ill.l.iS. i.iMi-Large sunny bay window room for gentlemen ail conveniences; reawmablo I.Os."i2in Iliy ba-seiitcnt nmiu; uk-d piel'enitl; $1 vieli up; I'lbers. EiDYs7P- Light, sunny, airy rooms, nicely furaialicd; walking distance; ft and (U no, EIGHTEENTH, S.M--Nlcely furnished roooC $7 tier month; genllemen only. EDDY, 025Laige room with kiti ben. furnished ras, electricity; walk, distance; $12 mo.

ETiDY. 1327i nr. Ruebanan Furnished front room, nice and comfortable; pnv. family; $5 mo. i'0 Nicely furnished large room, bra as iel, also small room, walking distance.

ELLIS, 1 177 T.arge auunV room; $11)' and $13 per mo, single rooms, $0. EiliiY. 155(1. near ETUmore Single, aunny front -room, double, $1.75 and $2 wk. phone, ELLIS.

iriia-T'riHit single loom, nicely a 'i itivtn suite. $3 week. ETiDY." U-iti Urge hutuiked" Tixaa' 'for 1 by widow. EDDY. Mil A 4 looms, bane men -i a week, with lights, gas and bath.


y.l'ITiiV OJOQ hj. Viral u. ar KV IV l'r 2 fceaulif'ul. fum. front 'room for honao- keeping, 7 window lacing park; rent lo Incliiiling gaa, Isilh and linens.

FILLMORE. liS'7 Four nitsitle conier isinny roonia, newly fumUlui-d; ruunin-r w-atei', phone and bath; on owl car lines; will be willing to board if wanted; rent roaaonalile. FILLMC-HE. 730, eor. Grove Deniable aunny lijthl room Willi lii'lit Lalvpg.

privtlcgei; reiiticd 4-pin only. FELL, C56 Elegant minny front rooms with phone, gs anil ciectno nenia; i-s ana with spanuri laniiiy. FCL'I'ON. 3032 View Golden Gate Park, nice fum. sunny front and bay rooma, with or with out board; yery cheap.

F0LS0M, 2540 A modern furnished room. respis-table woTaitigman rT-asoniipie; nomeuae. FdliSOM. 1i'is! Nicely furnished minor rooms. 3 Mocks from civic reaaonaoifc FIFTEENTH, 2109, nr.

Market Large fum. trout 7 also uniutu. reas. FIFTH 126)1. Sunset Dist One large unny room for gentleman.

FILLMORE. 128 A nicely furnished front room lo let. with or without Dnartl, FIRST 7011 2 fum. front rooms; also hskiig. rm.

gas, bath, laundry; cheap; near u. o. para. FULTON, S72 Large, aunny, bay-window, fur nished room; 1 or oatn; pnone: reasonaoie. FULTON.

23S4. cor. Wllliard, prim, park Fur nished front room; private family FF.I.U 1102 I lanr room, running water, eleo- tiieity and garage. FILLMORE, 2423 For rent, large unny front nnfitm. suitable for two.

FOURTH 300, cor. Clement On large turn. sun. rm. with oatn, i montn.

G13ARY, 1407 A beautiful front hay window room, and other nice rooms; light housekeeping permitted; reasonable. GEARY, 1076 2 aunny (runt rooms, rent jeason- aoie. fiUERHERO, 40, nr. Market Front bay win dow room; lar-e, sunny, phone and oatn, GEARY. lflS4 Sunny furnished front room for wot king man or lady, all 10-2.

GOLDEN GATE 1274, nr. Fillmore Nicely (urn. sun. trout room, 11.00 wa; Path; phone, walk, dlst; fl to also ugni nskpg. Oot'GH, 152 Neatly-furnished room; no oUier roomers; yery roasotiable Gl'EIt It ERO, lOli Su front room, nicely fur- nished; reasonable, t'hone Market

CI'ERitERO, 657 Largo front or back parlor, suitable for two; also single rooms, GEARY, KUiTbot GoTieh ly furnished nu. rent only $5 mo. -An GOLDEN GATE 754 Large, aunny, well turn, mom in modern flat; lii.oo per week. HOWARD: 2714 Connecting fmnt and hack liarlor; most cheerful; all conveniencea; pleasant aurroundings; private nome; pnone, electricity, bath; terms reasonable lo rtgr.t r.t party. IIAIOHT, 510, nr.

Fillmore 2 newly-fum. front suite tor hskpg. running water, gas and electric; very clean; price reasonaoie, HAIGIIT, 6712 newly furnished rooms, $3 eacii; running waier, oatn anu pnone. HAYES, 1056 Neatly sunny front room. oatn, ciec.

nr, car lines; reis. preierrea. HAYES, 1S47 Sunny front room, print family, gentleman; rent reasonaoie. HARRISON, 30300 Unfurnished, ainny parlor, moilem tint; ito montn HOWARD, 12S.3. near 0th at Large sunny front risims electric light and bath.

KAIGIIT. 1340 Sunny front rooms, bath, phone, $10 and -s montn; noam optional. HOFF 81, off lhih. near Mission Nice bay window front room, bath, no si-rn. H.YYES, Urrre, sunny, front room, single or double; bam, phone; reasonable.

1310. nr. Devisadero Nicely fura. aun- nv rooms; leasonabte. HAIollf.

736 Swell, auuny niuuing watpr, also large parlorjiay $0 and $7 wk, laTXRYrW, bet. i'4th "and" 1 1 sta." Anire sun, fur, rm. rent rem. with quiet Per, people. HAIGHT, 917 Nice, clean, furnished rooms-to let; flne yiew.

HOWARD. "2748 Nicely furnished front nd back parlor for lady or gentleman. JACKSON, 1202, cor. Jones sunny comer rate 2 in room, separate beds. $70; hot water all time, free plione.

piauo, men only. JACKSON. 2313 One large bay-window front room, puilshie for coal grnic belli. Plione Wet QV JACKSON, 1510 Sunnv, nicely-furnished 'room; all gentlemen; K8 month. Jtlici', 14 Coi-y studio rocm, big cuiiumuiity kitchen, js'r month.

JACKSONrnr7 I.T.in7"Fi-aklin 207fiA sunny frctit running water, priv. family; $10. JON'i s. 1032 Lance sunny tisima. sinsle or en uiie; ruiiuing water, by da or Disk.

KA I.AGI LI.A r-Tr MrisrtAY HKlMi "i.Aprnt VAX" OIR OIH' l4 Wll.l. VK Pit AITOMHItll.i; BKRVICB! I I gCITH inij hi IM. Cl.AKSV LITTI.K HOTKU Mitlia; ii.iviiiUy lunnaiied; Iran; pi.t I'l 7g roran; ylclu itv I'i-wi-! aifl Ituiti ntitetB. nri'KCT UlMiM.4.

NOll HILL AI'T, UOUKE. Tan afnl three room apartinit; la.a apurlirielit tmn-e ftiatrirt tiiuifhilliMit fur iiture; en-tr nui ilrara tiii omiitli; tut-ii, Ii.pihi, IH IMiKV Ai liif. eJU TACIITC WJIfJ, THAN.4IKNT IIOTW In tieiirt il iliiwnlimn i-uninrm oia-tii 't; bitiiiil iii'tr 1 1 mi A biilliUintj ne iil liaiiilwuni'lj; lurowlnil tlinmiiliiMit; uP-uialli eletori one of tlia l-rrt )iii( tranaitut Imlrln In hut price, H.ikk) mm handle. rou.s, ROOMS, MAfiXlt'H EST' AIT.

eiy, cl'e-in ux-auoni nurlh e( Uarket itrrct; neu leading rewil aioeeaj beet fumltura ik-iu- al.le; eery niiKlern InipniTeineutj tk r(ai PTTliKV A fOIJN, Inc.iVH FACIKIO BI-mi. I rf ASKY HOTEL CenPT i4 yery lt hotol dltrlrt; a atrmei tJirnw frnrn liuullia tliMticij beauitifnl new rlrivrttilT IxilUttiiar; no Hiwt finUtnra; mi-tiiiln-nuy eqtiiiil diuln iwim; ri-rv niorlero cimiei'letn; low rent; rlr.trl'in to $oitl uiontlt; pru orti i rl LMf tit 1 "a UHIHIH i ui.m.-i.i u'o." hi.l..i Int-alion l-eautlltllly fiimUilied Uirwiaboitt; nrt pnflt bi H' uionth; taluabl city lu-ht c-nuai-t; Hi-yiir letum; tcry li-w rent; priced e-iei ially rri'KKV o- I'l M.I.N. I'AI I F1C BLPO. ROoMi SWKI.L TBAMHtivr uuitu Vluintty St. tramia num iuii tl.cativa; pritale Imtln; al--aihitdr rlc-arin-r riaj rtvmlh- Was our Fair: elettatitly funilslied; el" yalor: city tUaun, MlVlKV PACIFIC IlIiHO.

tSflUiOMS'S. "fljARSIEST AI'T. HOUSE MatfiiilUnutjy uml-Oieal In ntrf dHail- imeit inmlerii, new A Inuldii'R: no Ml' loeatlim; clear-ltK 100 muuth; extwpUonaily A rOIJN.lnP.,WH I'AOinC BU.0. 5TIIOOMK rrlval6Uo(il with Dining Koum. Kini-lT fiirniahed tliraurboriit; aplen-did 'lw-atiun: lrl Ulnli nata Ha; furttnur nt 0, WO, atv.ulv oii-upititit; r.iti 1.10 month: pnillt tm-ntfi; lcaw to iM); cauily.

worth dii-it'le. rH'I'lU Jr alion in atdiJL't dOWlltOWll I iv 1 1- ttravmtnWH l. ii money "tiu't buy better furniture; new elalrote flnniru. laiilding; two le.yat'iTti; Hty heat, u-rv vahtabli- linae; every grtmerit of im- protiuble mnu' ai 1 1 hotels iu San iWUoo; mnn 111 iu 1.1". pi-l'lvhY tlil ill DIMS.

1UO I'AII II11TBL: poslliyely clearing orer nlonlb l've all expennea; cMm line furniture throughout; ri-ht nir leading department atre; city team. leatr; inialcm conrenlcncei will gi7 ailOOM APARTMENTS Nicly funiisbed eterr deUJi ctoua grotiuu ii ioioj. iibonea all aparttneiita; fine corner-liKiition; all outside apart-imnta: rent room; thil bouae will make you lndcindeut; price nCI'il'tY POIiIN Jna.Sftt rACIFJC BUM lT6 ROOMS SWEU. HOTEL, ALU l.Mttt-BST; center of Bliuppin district and leading tluairca; panuer with aalary $Ifi0 month: beaida half pro 11 in; fluent lease In city; A- Inc.Wi4PAiTnCItTJH,. to uooMS IIOTKL AMONU llir-Aiuta itifjnt near rarrt-u mi atrep'a; handsomely furnlsliod; mnnlhlT protlta oyer $400; rent exceedingly low; a decided bargain at DtjrREX POLIN, $04 raclflc Fourth and Market AA- JP 11A 048 MARKFtST.


AI'T. and R00M1NU H0USE9. MAKE YO Iv ENT EE anil $5 month. Tl5 RENT, 1 UNTSHKU 10 tieautlluwy mm. ann modern rms.

north of Market rent $50; base wanted: no Inr. or security re'inired. RARRETT. IMS Market, oyer Hank ot Italy. A r'AHVim.

oil nn. flAne n.w mrA modern; rent $00; 3-yr. lease; clears $500 handles this, bahihit, 1H1 Jiarget, 10 rooms; BAY WINDOW CORNER; near and north of Market: beautituliy modem; rent $05: lease; clears $S5: price $050, cash. HARRKTT. is Murketoyer Hauk ot Italy.

$750, cash Transient House, 14 near Kearny S'lil anen mtie piace; clears at so. 11ARRETT. 0 IS Market, oyer Hank ot Italy. FIDELITY LAND DM Market st. All north ot Market; tiuautitui lumiahings.

ino-niom modem family and coml, hotel. $3, 000 70-room modern apiirtment house 1,500 2 room modern downtown hotel 1,600 43-roora modern apartments, O'Farrell. 2.500 IS-room transient, clearing over $100.... 000 17-rnom. Van Nesa ava 700 Will loan 60 per cent, on any of the ahoy hnusee.

FIDELITY LAND 005 Market. 20-ROOM downtown modern hotel; elevator, si earn heat, near Nutter aimply magnificent; only II lino; loin) flown, nai. easy payment. FIDELITY ItAJNU WO JlarKet CO ROOM corner, downtown, modern hotel; 60 ner cent batha: cost over 17.000 to furnish: and mike ua nn offer. Making big money, Fl- ItKLITY MM) u.

poo Market Bt. APAUIMfcNT house in San Jose: 31 room. terms; rent ju; newly furnished, clean, neat: nettiu? $100 per month: right in center of business district Addres u. 1.. biouuu, 21 Fast Santa, Clara st, Han Joie.

Cal. BARGAIN Owner ulnk; make offer; cost new house. liiL'tl MCAiiLster roonia. ai A tin A IN Make offer: leaving city: 14 rma. clearing $4(1; rent t.i; terms, izjrt Mny m.

CORNIER house of 17 rooms on Page at; neigh- hOrilOOll nil will iri---j nt le.i-iuii-iuic rental. Apply HARRISON EISNER, 1512 Haieht lei. i ara oi.n. EXCLUSIVE IIUTFJ- HUUKERS Batyaina 1n hotels nd nj-artment houses. BE LEU HOTEL UROKKUAOB Market st.

ELEGANTLY furnished transient hotel, 30 rooma; long lease, cneap rer.r -uicniice 10 a caau ouyer; aee tins sure, jc.iiieiirst mug. FOR sale or exchange, rooming house on Market st close in: usi rooma, gooa pmiiosniou; nne I-ic'ome; price $3,600. See OWNER, 1023 Hearst S. F. ti nt nle lifl-room ant house: iiot and cold water; steam beat; gooa lease over r-air; nouse rwyit'? good pront; no agent.

aaress owner, box 104. txaminer I FfiR sale Old established rooming and boarding iiouse 10 a filed: many table boarder: low vent: bargain. Box S04S. 2517 Mission. con Bale 14 room good furniture: cheap rent.

long lease; price uou; win rent iumistieo. 1235 Golden ave. FOR sale nr rent Select private boarding house. in Western Addition; a rooms. lumtanea; long lease: established.

Hox sr.i.i. r.xaminer. GEARY, 1740j. nr. Fillmore 18 nicely firm.

rooms; all modern; good transient; sen reas. CE A f7 624 Furniture rooms; reason able: lea yingclty; HOT1T.T, for aale at Diiblio auction. Sept 4. 1B13. hotel furnishings, nar nxinres ana aioca or ITnion Hotel.

San Mateo. California, JAMES R. KEITH One of tiie finest apartment house in th city, located In the heart of the select apart i hi ii lvr.ii. ill ment Mouse district, i. an oe purcnaaeu ior $20,000.

Nets tHOO per month. Ten-J-ear lease; luxuriously furnished; best class ct tenants; one oi me oest ouy in tne city. particulars see JAMES R. KEITH. CO.

CROCKER BUILDING, MODERN' DOWNTOWN CORNER APART MENT HOI SB All outside; A MOEY HOI. rent less man ft per room; handsomely equipiied and full of people; bargain; ITiocipiis otiiv. jit'n. "1-it, r-xam iner. Rooming Ilouso BuyT $1,100 cash, on time, buys the best bargain south of Market 48 rooms; 1910 lease; rent $00; can you beat 7 save Dmkera com, and aee m.

21)3 Eighth st, cor. K'lt-om. MUST sell account of HI health. 25 housekeeping nd amgie rooms, an mien; uest or nirnismngs; year over Fair: must be seen to appreciated; no agents, laou rest 1 rti 1 a. a A 11111 I'lAt, l)rml iMTfliK.

'in il). mill hith vrek il iui ii -Mil -Let Kt( iioi i r.EV i in 4 in fo-r ol'I'o-ITK lT. HtA.SLl.-i, Kt TIHI ivin. 8ATK-1 I'm WKKlv TO $8, Ul'lll MATH To ti.U). AAA lU'TKl Kit A NCI.

S7S ft, MH TAYXin. Hiirnf mitaiil roomj, rninit: tity lii-at. lint wiltrj jiitT. tihmipa; f'i In 14 )r AAA-llol KI. CAIll.roN, MS'TurU" An alliti tiiK liutrl, -jr iluUine: itt'i 12 f' wK up; day up.

ItinMig rn-iin, Hitmlitf jirue. Xaa riom. uaciem'A, li-ii rrFar-nl a tnii-lrni, jvtnilr prtrl 4i.v nt-mn ripif nli-n A I.L t'lJCU CKOli I iiii-uiK "mill Ulb II up. AAA-- 1IIII lloTtl- 1 1 I.KI.I I i Ulllll.ll-i fAlK i id It Aim. r-1 1 ii t.

apt. In rent Amrnriui plaB; reft, ri-niuii'! I'a'-tfii" pk. au'l rlrit'lpricli at. rFrrH inr. Tylor; nw ttetl, Mm b'lililiil, I'mtnlly lo.ii--il: iuaiU( piinnj $1 6t1 up; $4 to "klr.

Al'KSA IIOTKL, H4 O'farrell. app. dniheiiiu Tlieatre centrally te. ni, f4 i e. Ian rma, with up; at-am heat; all trana.

II d. np. Al.l'.KV HO'Itl- Al-iiiteiy i.r-rnor fi roat orpnflt win, uin to AA A Hotel Shenuaii, lllli anil Mluion arm Iirated; PKl room-i. hut wnter eiery rm II. fit wk.

up: li-kr. II k. up; trani. A 111 I'm. 8TUANII.

Ii ll'I'arrell IiallV an niixipni runreilll'lireH: lirw riiin IHt nt uml f.t.fin per vvtK. HOTKL. l.VI M.rW, 1 (mi fe-Ty; tmKlern rnumj; laumy am mm. 1 trade to 11 ilny $2 to I'l par A-'itr'MH car No. 6 A faintly li'lel an o.nia,.

near lite (enter. nr. ih'ppiti; anil th-mtre: all ennny up. At IIOTKL. OI'KNKU 4S1 Jlitma nr.

mie imeny nrndrrn: raii'd i. linn It weekr-nc up; trana. AMil-O HOTKL. lllli. 2 blik inlaid pinny jii iitn-riin: vert itp; ilnv pp; Ktrn-tly rrnl.

hninclik" to lonrinu. Ihuti-l nuu amf.iiican pl ImlclMiil eirlt. ruble; rutin r-u. IU.KS'IIKIM. inr.

llu-ili and prntiklln- Iti-antirul frimt pirn, rmims. nwH-nt; up. UATKS Killmnr. Mrner tIS alwl neettuitr pnv, nain: HI, Hutu. KNToN'K IIOTKL MBXTONK iiOlTUBAtsT I M-u-t JO.M..1 tl A ln-n lul llnt.t.

Him In.t until' 111 tuniieni liotid f-oiidtnu'tinti; Ii1 giuilly funiili'l mid eqidppi mmuy out.) Id earli with piiiate bath; no rinii.K. lii'pertma Imitnl, Iiutca, (l.Su to fill; tl to fliiTKL KltilAltT. 221 Pourth It. 2 il-k Mitrliet jusi tii-piifn; iniKirrii, iiri'priHit pnrner I. milium; K'O i'i ilnv; stiam bent, hut water in all iixiiiii; Utu; to a work; uuo to fl a iiny.

HiVl KI, TWIN OAKH. lull! I'nat. at Latkm rconitnit bulel; iionly furnKlied; iiwiin luat (but but watpr that in hot; elciatur tint wnil: tiriiiiKnt iiiiiv wi-ek ui. Kn.iK.NB, -iVi cpp. Aluuiur 1 licaire Just oiK'tinl; tiiodern In eteiy reiit.

lt.itt-s- II day up; witii pruatti lath, up: hjepiai iRttn pe-tnii nt miiett. lloi LI- ltt. bill Ltltiy niiiit iwutuwn ialo. Hum luMy, tin--.

li tip: front atiuny auiti-n, IU mui l'licne Knnklin M'KH'. T. VAN I.O iN, I'top. lUflT.L ATLAS. 117 4Ui t.

cor Minion JT'ST I I' iroprool. two eicvutora. int luliliy, pnrnti! cyi lianffn; pmi rKmj, iim? day; (i k. up; 1W with ImUi, t.JOUiiy; wk, up, DoTi.L"IAitStlALl.. MnrUt, cur.

MU baell bnt water, toteaoi beat, pritatt hitlu, Ire ha tin; rain rut to i tin. up. (Hip, 7fie, II itar: peitpit) wi-ip-iine. IIOTKL, Van Ni ur. liiary Ameriean ultm fau'ly betel; -Ut-ra Hnrrov- Bienlr; HKI rnoiim; pm and board.

140 mo. np. Ht'TKL KNK KKItUoCKBIt, 3 Ml I'ost. at Taylor Newly fiii-malifd from St. Francul Meiitn In, iiliniu-v bath: to to wk.

linTKL KI KKlvA. 4 I Karnll room (nt "id and iit'tiy; ratea fit. 50 and 44 week: Willi ImUi. alio I1OI1.I, lioKO liEAKY hi'. -New and modern; hot water, baths: II and up.

I'hnnw Franklin KM. U0TF.L K1.K, Lurkiu and Poal ll.otua $15 with private tmtli fl up, Ueary or bultur curs to lAikiu nt. IkW'KL'ThuuVois, (s35 O'Fanell at, nr. I.arkin. irepnKif, funny rooma with baLh: rate 100 per day up: to 17 per wc-k.

I'll, rtiiipc-t 12U0. UoTKL (illLY STONE, (id (ietry near Mar ket Strictly modem; eyery coiiyeuience; ler wepk un; M-eiial monthly rates. I.oTEbi POLK, too 1'olk cor. Turk Rooma and suites, priiate baths by day, wk. or mo.

liOl'KL CLOJIE. O'Farrell and Powell ats. Rooms, 73c. $1. with bath.

John I-'orster. Mgr. UoiBL I.KlKill, 154t SlarVet Jiist opened! new-, cletfant. moilcin and linlit; $2.50 wk. np.

ilOTEL 1SHO.NX. Kearny, cor. Pine AU front rooma; modern; auto elerator; raleajreaa. UcIIONALI) (The), 550 Eddy Nicely funi. cub aide Kin.

$2.50 wk. up: Bob day up: free b. FIanTEKS' HOTEL, 2 Second, at FuUom HO quiet, homelike, sunny outside fum, rma, 5o to $1 clay; $1.60 wk, up; free bath; pari rranciim, taatinano, Italian, etc. BE AltO A KD HOTEL, 228 Eaut near How- aid Just opened: 1 minute from 1 erry: 7-story, Ilteproof; 1-iuO nna overlooking the bay; large lobby beat service; Wic-ll day; cjk; i lili ili ni'ti lit pwtt. 6T1UTTON, 570 O'Farrell St.

Hot, and oold water, hath free; week up; day; trans, THE AKYLA.MI, -'The Hotel Different," The Houko of hunnliino and lloaiittaiity. On the sunny corner of (ieary and Taylor sta IToee to Uie Shops, nicataa. Ranks and Clubs. Unlet and Itetlnemeut at a Moderate Coat WALTER W. PARKER.

Maonaer. Room wilh bath, $1.50 a day. $7.50 to $10 wk. yen- attractive rat-s to giieaU by the month. From all deivta take tAyicah at rair e-vp-ense.

Tiiii L1NCOUN HoTBL, 115 MARKET Only 1 from Hi l'erry. NOW OPEN. New and modem 7-atory ateel and concrete tmililing, 1Ui the aun on all aides. Kales S0i! and 75o a day. Willi private hath, $1 a day and upt Htvcinl vipfkly and monthly rates.

HOTEL, 010 Oinry at Room wun nrirato patti, fl uay up, $4 week up; oe- v-uiioii tu'tn. nay, week up. AI'AHTMKXT-HOIjSICS, HOTELS and I.OIKilNG-IIOlISKS FOR SAMS. A. il.

MeJiLUlON, ILniU EttUUe. 241 MomtKomerry tt. Bush at, nr. Hyde Apt. hse.

to leaae, 100 mis, build tit once, plans at office. Rent per rm. uutxiei mtg. in secure Jeaae. Htyi'LL 'ID LEASE.

65 65 batli, O'l'arrell nr. Mason. iietii VJ per nn. i iana at otuce. Will II build at mice to milt, Pt or, Lar 64 APT.

or hotel. Chattel to e- ase, llent $3.50 lr roam. Wn, cure 100-RtiOM ai. baa. (ieary, nr.

Larkin, In cisirsa of couatewtion: nlans at ofi'uiv. A Hpleudld proio-iition and ready for occupancy in the very near future. 90 nua. apt, 3 street frontaavfi fin lm-iitlon. all oumlile line Iteaulifully furnished.

MM, clearing uver $000 per ma net lTii i. 4.0UO. lliO nna, 2 and 8 rm. 20 aliurle roims. Clearing $000 month; downtown lm-ii- tion and open to tiie tuiioat lnyeatigution.

llent only lrire $16,000. term. SL nr. no-rm.

apt. i and 3' beautifully appointed; larcre irrm. lu ironiei, etc, win uuuu un ouce. v-naiici to secure li-ase. 20 ran.

2 and 3 new nsa New f'U-i-iUire; gonl downtown location. Suaix moni--i--iiiAker. liui-nn, apt. Al location; 8 street frontinros; avtragc 00 giud lease, yery low rent, l'nco lo.iaa-, hmj osati, or will nil half inUseat 10 on callable at Uklng full main tenieut of same, HOTEL SNAP 75 rooms, Farrell, near rowell clam the yery heart of the theatre and shopping dijtnct Will make a forume during tiie fair, l'rice fi.OJO, tutina, or will aell half iuf, to one who -an take full uianaiienur.t AN Ol'l-Oim'NTTY. The above anvonly tew of the many such excoplioua.1 piornsuions we nave ro oner.

A. E. McMAHO.V. ileaJ Esrate. 241 Montyintry t.

EWELLFST LITTLE 4B-R00M APT. HOUSE IN THE CITY; cleara eveiT month $uu; full to the doora always; elegantly furnished; best buy ever oliered. l'rice terms. 75 ROOM APT. HOUSE: all outside nts all rented: clears $20(1 month: trial gtveti to prospective purchaser.

This house is strictly nioilem. with rent at only Si tier i-oom. Price terms. FLAT: ONE FLOOR; rent only $10; flue location; high-class roomers; elegantly furnished, trice uuu. 17 ROOMS: all one floor; a nice little mom ma; house; tun to me aoors; clears iuo muiim.

S33 MARKET ST. Room 201. Commercial bulg. Ph. 2050.

A good buy 21 rooms: 14 housekeeping. 7 single rooms; rent $J5: will give terms; owner got other biumM. xv uouaia it iii 60 Si t56 78 73 4 i I ELLIS, nice front rooms. $3,50 back rooms, 2 week- 12io 2 large nnny room. $4.50 pr week, including batli as and electricity.

KDDY. 025 3 iiasenu-tit furn. gas, ealliiu; 110 month. FIiDY -2 leiutiftil altic roomssulTable frrtiat; $14 mn. 2fnrf.

lower floor, ELLIS. moins in town; 2-rootri h'Ki-r. sillies laiye kilehen g-is range; $3 wk. El'I'Y, 927 Nit-ely fumi-hed 1-asem*nt rooms; laice yard- desirable for children; rmt reas. EDDY.

K24. n-ar Van New ave. Good hakr lri.s, aUo single rms. men: low t-Pnt (Continued on Next Page.).

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.